• 1.4

    safety reports per week


    safety reports per week

    With Preflex Safety training, employee hazard recognition jumped by more than 2,000%.

  • 1,600%

    Threat detection increased

    Our trained officers move past situational awareness to situational comprehension.

Preflex was founded on the idea that science-based mental training can dramatically improve safety and performance.

We’ve developed a revolutionary approach to mental mindset training. Targeting the nonconscious brain, the training system works by enhancing perceptual awareness while building a structured mental framework to better process sensory information. Perception and processing wired together at the subconscious level, automatically guide behavior toward safe and appropriate outcomes.

Preflex Safety

Preflex Safety uses neuroscience to develop a workforce with heightened awareness and hazard recognition. Proven by more than a decade of results and successfully repeated in nearly 40 studies, the online microtraining system utilizes the natural process of neuroplasticity to forge new pathways in the brain focused on pattern recognition and critical safety concepts. The result is nothing short of a safer workplace.


Preflex First

Law enforcement was the original proving ground with studies implemented from London to San Francisco in academies and law enforcement departments of all types. More than 15 years of dedicated neuroscience research and program development have led to a revolutionary training system. The research indicates departments will benefit from fewer officer injuries, fewer misconduct cases, and fewer accidents.


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